

H&N Engagement Photos

Buttonwood Farms and Sunflowers for Wishes set the background for my first ever engagement photo shoot. 
H&N gladly (I'm not sure why...) agreed to meet me and my personal helper at 7:15am for a shoot. It happened to be one of the 100+ degree days from earlier this summer, and I was very concerned about shooting photos in the heat and under the sun. 
No one wants to try to be comfortable and look like they're having fun, when all they're really thinking is how much they would rather be at the beach...or in the A/C...or anywhere else where the sun wasn't beating down on them. And no one likes sweaty photos.
Many thanks to H&N for allowing me to shoot & post these photos! I hope you had as lovely as a time as I did. Can't wait 'til the wedding celebration. And many thanks to my personal helper, as well.